Sunday, October 13, 2013

spontaneous five- Hot Chocolate, Internship, Family Pictures, and Johnny Carino's

1. My sweet sister Shantel gave Kevin some hot chocolate for his birthday. Kevin LOVES hot chocolate. But instead of just the powder, Shantel gave him some chocolate spoons. The end of the spoon has real chocolate on it. When you heat the milk up, then stir with this chocolate spoon, the chocolate melts and turns the milk into hot chocolate. We tried it last night and Kevin LOVED it. He thinks it is so delicious. It was fun to try something different and new, not to mention delicious.
2. Kevin has started his internship. He is enjoying it, and I think by the end of it he will have enjoyed it a lot. It is never fun to start something because no one trusts you to do anything. You haven't learned what the protocol is for even the simplest of things. So you always start doing weird random jobs. That is where Kevin is at. Once he learns exactly what to do, he is going to be awesome. He really likes the man he is working for and it is really good experience for him since this company does exactly what he wants to do when he graduates. I am really grateful that Kevin was able to find this internship, we are excited to see what it has in store for us.

3. On Saturday afternoon Kevin and I went and got some family pictures taken. Every year I have tried to get some sort of family pictures. We just get on the school website and some starting photographer is usually advertising that they will do free photo shoots so that they can build their portfolio. It works out well for us because we currently do not want to spend any money on photographers, but if I can get one for free, then we always do them. Last year was sort of a quirky lady, but we got some good photos out of it. This year the lady who took our pictures was so nice. We really enjoyed her. She met her by the snake river, and we took pictures inside of a paintball arena. It turned out great, and I can't wait to see the pictures.

4. Tuesday night I got home from work and I was starving. Apparently my PB&J was not enough for me at lunch. I was just going to make some chicken fettuccine Alfredo with broccoli for dinner. It would be quick and delicious and quick. I really was hungry. I went upstairs to find Kevin and ask him how he felt about the dinner choice I had made. Come to find out, Kevin doesn't love Alfredo sauce. I never knew this about him, and I find it a little strange. Who doesn't love creamy alfredo sauce?

Instead Kevin suggested to go to Johnny Carino's. When Kevin suggest to go out to dinner I almost never refuse. I like to cook and bake, but I also like to not clean up dishes. So we went out. I still got my fettuccine and Kevin was able to get some steak. We were both happy. It is always fun to do something a little different than your normal routine.

5. Sunday night we were going to have Mexican Tacos for dinner. We both love Mexican tacos. They are delicious. I had some meat that had been thawing in the refrigerator for a couple days and it was already pre cut. Making dinner was going to be so fast. I just love dinners that come together quickly. Kevin usually helps me with this meal. He always cooks the corn tortillas in the hot oil. He is my hero for doing that because I hate being splattered by searing hot grease, and so he gets all of the burns instead of me.

I took the meat out of the fridge, and started cooking it. It had the most disgusting smell. To be honest, I probably have smelled worst things in my life, but it still didn't smell quite right to me. I wasn't sure if this was because of being pregnant or if the meat was just really bad. I haven't had any problems with cooking meat yet, but you never know with pregnancy. We decided not to risk it and throw the meat out. Since the kitchen now was so stinky (at least to me) Kevin offered to cook dinner for me. I got to sit on the couch and he cooked some chicken instead. He cut up the cilantro and onions and cooked the tortillas. It was such a thoughtful gesture to have him make dinner all by himself for me. I am so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man.  


  1. I love spontaneous five! I can't wait to see your new pictures. Promise me that you will post some so I can see? I'm glad that you got to eat so good this week.

    Tell Kevin good luck with his internship!

  2. I am loving your spontaneous five too!! Mind if I steal it??

    1. Of course..I stole the idea from someone else! It is a nice way to keep track of the little things in life!

  3. Í'm catching up on your blog. Its so great! You guys seem to have such an awesome life!
