Monday, October 7, 2013


I recently have started working in an optometrist office this last May. I have been really enjoying myself there, and have enjoyed learning more about the eye. As a little perk I get to have a free eye exam. The last time I had an eye exam was after my 2nd semester of college, or around that time. While in school I was fairly diligent in my studies, especially when I first started college. My teachers would assign me 60 pages of text to read every other day, and by golly, I read them! At least most of them. By the end of my college career I would still read in the important classes that actually quizzed on the reading, but the other classes, I learned how to skim really well and pick up a lot of the important topics still.

But to get back on topic, by the end of my 2nd semester, I could see up close well,  but I could not see anything in the distance. When I would be walking across campus, I wouldn't realize I knew someone until they were three feet in front of me, and I would have to turn around to say hello because we had already walked past each other. I went home for my break, and I went to the eye doctors. I told him how I couldn't see the board in class really well, and how I couldn't see signs or things like that. The doctor said that he didn't want to give me glasses because I still could see pretty well and he didn't want me to become dependent on them. I went the rest of my college without glasses, and even though sometimes I felt like I needed them, I did well without them.

Anyway, I went and got my free eye exam, and I was still seeing very well. I feel so blessed to not have to wear glasses or contacts. I cannot imagine having to wear something to see anything! The doctor said that my eyes are working a little harder than they need to be, and that I have a slight prescription. Since I get a free pair of glasses while I am working in this office, I thought I might as well get some and not have to pay for them.

Now I am a glasses wearing girl. It feels kind of funny to wear them sometimes. I think I feel funny because I will be wearing the glasses and be seeing great, and then I will take the glasses off and be seeing just as great. I feel like I am just trying to be in fashion with glasses, but I really do have a reason for wearing them. I think I squint, and my forehead gets so tired by the end of the day. I do not get headaches from it, but I just feel like my face wants a massage every night. I am going to start wearing my glasses a little more often to see if they will help my head not feel so tense all the time. Although I do have to say, I feel pretty smart with my glasses on.


  1. I didn't know you needed glasses! I guess you learn something new every day! I am happy that you will not need a massage on your face every night! I hope I don't need glasses!

  2. I want to see your glasses! I bet they are so cute. I'm getting new glasses. I just don't know what kind to get. You'll make a great glasses wearing girl.
