Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in a nutshell

Since I wasn't doing the blog, or keeping a journal I seriously cannot think of one thing besides school and work that Kevin and I did in January, February, and March. So just know that Kevin was getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a night because he was driving truck and going to school, and I was working 2 jobs while going to my last semester of school. It was a pretty crazy couple of months.

I graduated from College with my Bachelors in Health Science

Kevin and I went on a cruise to Mexico and it was SO much fun.

We moved to Idaho Falls (we both love it here so much!)

At the end of May we found out that I was pregnant! We were so excited!
Look how cute these little baby shoes are! How could we not be excited?
We celebrated my birthday in June. My Parents came up and we went out to Big Jud's for dinner. That same night we announced to our family that we were pregnant. It was so funny to see their faces.

Kevin and I went to the Idaho Falls Zoo in July. For the zoo being in such a small town (compared to other zoo locations) it was a pretty fantastic zoo. We loved seeing all of the animals.

We finally bought a Semi Truck in August. Kevin has been wanting to buy one since we first were married. Look at that sweet truck.

We Celebrated Kevin and Shantel's birthday in September. I love celebrating birthdays, but I am not very good at taking pictures.

Every October our family gets together and carves pumpkins, eats soup, and has a great night. This year was no exception.

Obviously we celebrated Thanksgiving in November. We were able to celebrate with both families this year.

Kevin was also interviewing for jobs like crazy! He was able to fly out to Vancouver and to Phoenix. It was a fun and stressful time of life.
The Companies would rent him fancy cars and pay for his hotel. The job in Phoenix picked him up in a Limo! 

In December Kevin Graduated with his Bachelors in Financial Economics. That was such an exciting milestone in our lives.

Charity and Shantel both threw me baby showers. One was in Idaho Falls with the Haderlie side of my family, and the other was in Morgan with my Walker side of the family. I am so blessed to have family that cares so much for me.

I am so grateful for all of the experiences that we were able to go through this year. I cannot wait for next year and all of the new and exciting things that will be happening to us. 

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