Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Big Changes

We are so excited to announce that we are pregnant again!!! Just Kidding! Way too early for that again! My hormones would not make it through. But we are excited to announce that we are new home owners! Yay! At the end of last year Kevin was interviewing for all kinds of jobs all over the place, and we were ready to move to North Dakota if that is what was right, but we never did. None of the jobs felt right for us, and when Kevin was flying back from one of the interviews, he landed in Idaho Falls and just decided he never wanted to leave again. Now that is not to say that we won't ever move. Obviously we will do whatever the Lord has in store for us, but right now we plan on staying in Idaho Falls for the rest of our lives. The house is so cute and so perfect for our family.

We moved in during the end of April. Now every time I come to our home I can't imagine us living anywhere else. I need to get some pictures taken, but I am a procrastinator and haven't really taken any yet.

Kevin also got a job here in Idaho Falls. It is at the Idaho Innovation Center. It helps businesses start up and get on their feet. It is not Kevin's favorite job, but it lets him be home every night and he hardly drives truck any more which is nice for me and Camille. We love that he is home every night and that we can do some fun home improvement jobs and hang out and have dinner every night.

Last but not least, I just need to record this story. In March I was down in Utah preparing for my beautiful sister's wedding. Kevin was driving truck but he was passing through Lehi. I was staying at Shantel's house that night and so I was going to go see Kevin in the truck. He didn't have enough hours to come back with me, but it was nice to see him. We talked and ate Samoa cookies (Kevin knows those are my favorite). I was driving Shantel's car, and on the way back to her house I was trying to make the lights work correctly. Kevin had mentioned when I pulled up to the semi truck that the front head light was out. As I was trying to figure out the lights, I passed a cop and he pulled me over. He pulled me over because I was playing with my lights and he wanted to know what was going on. I told him my whole story about going to see Kevin and him telling me the light was burnt out. After telling him my story he asked if I was drunk! Ha ha. He said he could smell alcohol on my breath (is that why samoa cookies are so addictive?). I promised him I wasn't, but he almost had me take a breathalizer test. I was just laughing about the fact that he thought I was drunk. He let me go, and just told me to have Shantel fix the light. It was such a great story to tell. I just had to write it down so I don't forget it!


  1. This is hilarious I had no idea that happened! I can't believe he thought you were drunk! :)

  2. I want to see pictures of your house!
