At the start of this month Camille wanted to be an ostrich rider again for Halloween. I don't think she understood that you can be whatever you want on Halloween. She ended up being the cutest little witch there ever was.
We were driving home from Morgan the other day and Camille was looking up at the mountains and she said, "I bet Aunt Melissa's Jeep could drive really fast on the mountain." It just made me giggle a little. She thinks Jeeps are the ultimate vehicle and can do anything since they are an "off road" vehicle.
This year for Halloween Jason wanted to be a crockOdile. He is so funny. When we first asked him what he wanted to be he would say, "I want to be a crocOdile, but not a real crocOdile, just a pretend crocOdile." He would specifically tell you that he was not a real crocodile. He was the cutest crocodile.
Jason is really into the show PJ Masks right now. In this show there is a boy who turns into "gecko". His super powers are camouflage and super strength, and super sticky hands. So Jason will pretend to be gecko and will stick to the couches and people and chairs and walls. The way that he does it makes it look like he really is sticking to these objects. It is SO cute.
So last month Jason was struggling getting to bed. There were just lots of tears going on around bedtime. But this month Jason has started to want to sleep in tents. He asks us to put his blanket up around the top and sides of his beds and it sticks him in a little tent. It has worked great because if he moves, then it will fall off, so we say, "if you move your tent will fall off so don't move!" and he doesn't move and falls asleep really quickly. It is the best trick that has ever happened in our family! Plus it is pretty cute of him and the way he likes to be in his tent.
This month Sadie officially rolled from her back to her front to her back again. She doesn't roll from her front to back too often, but she did it! It is so exciting to see her accomplishments. She is starting to get so big and I am just excited to see her get a little older. Sadie is also starting pureed foods this month. We started her on rice cereal first. She is getting use to eating food and I think she is going to really love real food when she can have it.
Kevin wants to be a good boss and take good care of his employees so that they will just want to continue working for him. So he had this great idea about buying a pickup for our employee Matt who has been working for us. It would be the company pickup and as long as he worked for us then he would be able to drive it around. So we went down this month and Kevin found a pickup he thought Matt would like and bought it. It was pretty fast actually for buying something so expensive. As we went through this month Kevin thought maybe it wasn't the best idea because then you have to worry about who is taking care of the truck and insurance etc. So he decided not to give that pickup to Matt and keep it for himself. I think that the whole thing was a big charade for me so that Kevin can have a new pickup and not his old one. ha ha. But it has been nice to have a nicer pickup that will fit the car seats a little better next year.
That same day we got the new pickup, Kevin took us all out to eat at a little BBQ joint called the Smoking Apple. It was so good! We shared a sampler platter and it was all delicious. It came with some smoked sausage that was actually pretty spicy and Jason loved it. I am always so surprised when Jason eats such spicy/hot things, and really enjoys it.
This month has been filled with cooking for me. I fed the missionaries one night and it was nice. I love having the missionaries in our home. I feel so grateful for the sacrifice they are doing to further the gospel and it makes me think about the sacrifice that Kevin did and how grateful I am that he served a mission. And hopefully someday when my kids are on a mission a nice family will feed them too.
I also made dinner for the Beasley family and the Koller family. They both had new babies recently and when you have new babies, making food is sometimes the last thing on your mind. I also watched their kids so they could have a little break. Since I don't feel like I can leave Sadie for very long, I haven't been to the temple in a while. I am trying to give as much service as I can by watching other peoples kids and feeding others. It is all that I can do, like it is my only talent, and I hope that while I can't go to the Temple that I can stay close to the spirit by serving those around me a little more often.
While we were buying the new pickup that is mentioned above, I took the kids over to the Timpanogos Temple. We went and walked around while Kevin was doing the paperwork and it was just so beautiful. I love the temple. It was so nice to be close to the temple with the kiddos. We were not able to stay too long, but it was nice to walk around and enjoy the beautiful temple grounds for a little bit.
We all have been so sick this month. Not at the same time, which is almost worst because I feel like it just keeps on going and going. Camille got sick at the start of the month while we were at my parent's house. She was sleeping and woke up complaining that her throat hurt. Not 10 minutes later I was carrying her as fast as I could up the stairs to try and make it to the bathroom before she threw up. We didn't make it to the bathroom, but at least we made it off the carpet. She threw up a couple more times that night and then the next day she was fine.
The next week the same thing happened to Jason, but he is not as good at throwing up. I can have a bowl right in front of his face, and he will push it away and throw up on his bed. I hope that changes as he gets older.
Then this last week while we were in Idaho celebrating Grandma Haderlie's birthday, I got so sick and threw up all night. Then Kevin got it super bad and threw up this week.
It has been so crappy. I am hoping that this is not a omen of how our winter is going to be. I hope that this is the one sickness we get and then we don't get sick anymore this winter. I just feel really grateful that Sadie hasn't gotten least not yet. I am praying that she stays healthy and strong.
Overall October has been filled with joy and love and fun.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Happy Halloween from the Haderlie Family! This year was so much fun! Last year Jason was a little sick, and all the costumes scared him. But this year everyone was dressed and had lots of fun. We were in Morgan working on my bookcases (see other post) so we did trick or treating in Morgan this year.
Camille decided she wanted to be a witch for Halloween this year and she was the cutest witch. The only problem was her hat kept falling off, so I just carried it in the stroller.
Jason wanted to be a crocOdile (that is how to pronounces crocodile. It is the cutest thing.) He was so cute. He would come up to you with his crocodile costume teeth and chomp your leg. He just makes me laugh
Sadie was a flower, because we had a flower costume and it fit her. I was grateful for it, because Halloween night was actually kind of cold, and I felt like the hood and the little body suit kept her a little warmer than she would have been otherwise.
In Morgan the businesses put on a trick or treat street. So we drove over to the Rock Church and walked up and down state street. It was actually really fun. It was fun to see so many other people's costumes. The kids got candy, and toys, and someone had catered a taco truck so my dad and I got tacos. One company was giving away hard hats as well! The kids got a couple and have already played dress up with them. It was fun to walk around the street.
We came home and had some dinner and warmed up. Shortly after we finished dinner the kids were ready to go out trick or treating again. We walked around my parent's neighborhood and it was just perfect. The kids got to run from house to house to get their treats. At one of the first houses the handle broke on their cute witches cauldron and the candy fell all over. Instead of helping pick up the candy and put it back in the cauldron the kids thought it was like a pinata and just started throwing as much candy in their buckets as they could. By the time I got up to the door they had gotten several handfuls. It mostly just made me laugh out loud. I love my funny kids.
When we were almost finished, Camille said she needed to go to the bathroom, so we ran back to Grandpa's house and went to the bathroom and then we were pretty much finished for the night.
It was so fun to take the kids trick or treating this year. Unfortunately Kevin was really really sick and then he gave it to my dad. So that was not fun. But other than that everything was pretty much perfect. I love my family and being able to play and do fun things with them. Happy Halloween!
Camille decided she wanted to be a witch for Halloween this year and she was the cutest witch. The only problem was her hat kept falling off, so I just carried it in the stroller.
Jason wanted to be a crocOdile (that is how to pronounces crocodile. It is the cutest thing.) He was so cute. He would come up to you with his crocodile costume teeth and chomp your leg. He just makes me laugh
Sadie was a flower, because we had a flower costume and it fit her. I was grateful for it, because Halloween night was actually kind of cold, and I felt like the hood and the little body suit kept her a little warmer than she would have been otherwise.
In Morgan the businesses put on a trick or treat street. So we drove over to the Rock Church and walked up and down state street. It was actually really fun. It was fun to see so many other people's costumes. The kids got candy, and toys, and someone had catered a taco truck so my dad and I got tacos. One company was giving away hard hats as well! The kids got a couple and have already played dress up with them. It was fun to walk around the street.
We came home and had some dinner and warmed up. Shortly after we finished dinner the kids were ready to go out trick or treating again. We walked around my parent's neighborhood and it was just perfect. The kids got to run from house to house to get their treats. At one of the first houses the handle broke on their cute witches cauldron and the candy fell all over. Instead of helping pick up the candy and put it back in the cauldron the kids thought it was like a pinata and just started throwing as much candy in their buckets as they could. By the time I got up to the door they had gotten several handfuls. It mostly just made me laugh out loud. I love my funny kids.
When we were almost finished, Camille said she needed to go to the bathroom, so we ran back to Grandpa's house and went to the bathroom and then we were pretty much finished for the night.
It was so fun to take the kids trick or treating this year. Unfortunately Kevin was really really sick and then he gave it to my dad. So that was not fun. But other than that everything was pretty much perfect. I love my family and being able to play and do fun things with them. Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Grandma Haderlie's 66th Birthday
We finally made it to Idaho since Sadie has been born! We do not make it up there often enough, but we got up for Grandma's birthday. We left early Friday morning because friday afternoon Aimee was hosting a Ladies Learning and Lunch. Diane has been trying to get a new thing going with the ladies that live up there like Grandma, Shannon, Charity, Aimee, Melissa, and a few others; where they get together and have lunch and chat and then have a discussion on a topic that is meaningful and that they can learn from. I haven't been able to attend any yet since I just had a baby and we live a little ways away, but we made it up for that one. Kevin watched the kids while I went and it was so nice to just talk and chat and learn from the ladies there without having to worry about crying babies.
After the lunch, the kids and I went over to Shannon's house to play. I love that Camille and Jason have cousins to play with on this side. Most of their cousins are a lot older than they are, but since Shannon is having kids about the same time as we are, they have some fun playmates. They played outside and picked up leaves and came inside and did some creating, and went downstairs and played with toys. After an afternoon of playing, we went back to grandma Haderlie's house and had dinner, and then Pat had grabbed a couple extra DIY block snowman sets from her wards Super Saturday activity for Shannon and I to do. It was fun to do a little craft there. I am not actually really great at crafts, but it is fun to do them every once in a while.
Friday night I ended up getting SO sick. I was just throwing up all night long. I was praying so hard that I would make it through the night and that Sadie wouldn't need me too much and I know that Heavenly Father answered my prayers. I was able to make it through and I didn't even throw up on Sadie.
Saturday morning Kevin took the kids for a little while and I rested and then got up. Pat wanted the carrots dug up so Kevin went out and did that, and I sat on the bench and held Sadie and watched him. After digging carrots Kevin went and got the motorbike working and took Jason for a ride on it. Jason was really hesitant at first. Right now he is kind of a cautious boy (which I hope he take part of this cautiousness with him as he gets older). But once Kevin got him on the bike he thought it was the greatest thing. He came inside exclaiming how he went over a BIG hill and how it was bumpy and fun. Kevin and Jason also threw a football together outside. Well Kevin threw it close by Jason, then Jason would run and go pick it up and try to throw it back. It just melted my heart to see my two boys playing together.
That afternoon everyone got together and we celebrated Grandma Haderlie's 66th birthday. She made taco salads and everyone brought a pie so there were like 10 pies to share between the 12 people who were there. It was pretty much paradise to Kevin.
We left a couple hours later so that we could make it home before it was too late. Everyone traveled pretty good. I feel grateful that we have good kids that travel pretty good. It makes trips like this much more enjoyable.
We loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa Haderlie and seeing our Haderlie cousins. Hopefully we get up there soon again.
After the lunch, the kids and I went over to Shannon's house to play. I love that Camille and Jason have cousins to play with on this side. Most of their cousins are a lot older than they are, but since Shannon is having kids about the same time as we are, they have some fun playmates. They played outside and picked up leaves and came inside and did some creating, and went downstairs and played with toys. After an afternoon of playing, we went back to grandma Haderlie's house and had dinner, and then Pat had grabbed a couple extra DIY block snowman sets from her wards Super Saturday activity for Shannon and I to do. It was fun to do a little craft there. I am not actually really great at crafts, but it is fun to do them every once in a while.
Friday night I ended up getting SO sick. I was just throwing up all night long. I was praying so hard that I would make it through the night and that Sadie wouldn't need me too much and I know that Heavenly Father answered my prayers. I was able to make it through and I didn't even throw up on Sadie.
Saturday morning Kevin took the kids for a little while and I rested and then got up. Pat wanted the carrots dug up so Kevin went out and did that, and I sat on the bench and held Sadie and watched him. After digging carrots Kevin went and got the motorbike working and took Jason for a ride on it. Jason was really hesitant at first. Right now he is kind of a cautious boy (which I hope he take part of this cautiousness with him as he gets older). But once Kevin got him on the bike he thought it was the greatest thing. He came inside exclaiming how he went over a BIG hill and how it was bumpy and fun. Kevin and Jason also threw a football together outside. Well Kevin threw it close by Jason, then Jason would run and go pick it up and try to throw it back. It just melted my heart to see my two boys playing together.
That afternoon everyone got together and we celebrated Grandma Haderlie's 66th birthday. She made taco salads and everyone brought a pie so there were like 10 pies to share between the 12 people who were there. It was pretty much paradise to Kevin.
We left a couple hours later so that we could make it home before it was too late. Everyone traveled pretty good. I feel grateful that we have good kids that travel pretty good. It makes trips like this much more enjoyable.
We loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa Haderlie and seeing our Haderlie cousins. Hopefully we get up there soon again.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Pumpkin Carving
On our way home from the ranch we stopped at a little pumpkin patch to pick up some pumpkins to carve for the annual Walker Pumpkin Carving. It was the cutest little pumpkin patch. All the kids were exhausted from the long day on the ranch, but they had fun, and since they were the only ones at the pumpkin patch they could just run around and have fun. This little pumpkin patch had a large connect four game, a large jenga game, some bean bag toss games, and a stage with music to dance on. It was just perfect for the little kids. Sadie needed to eat half way through, so I went and fed her and everyone else went through a little straw maze they had set up. Camille and Jason thought it was so fun (although it took a little while for Jason to warm up to it since he fell asleep from Lyman to Evanston).
The next day, on Saturday, we got up and started our day of food. Whenever we are together, I feel like we always eat a lot of really delicious food. Because all the good food makes too much to make at home where it is just Kevin and I, but when everyone is together and we can share we make a lot of good food. So we started with biscuits and gravy, then an hour or two later we made crepes. The crepes were to give us energy to go hike the M. The night before, Shantel said that she was planning on taking her kids to hike the M. I thought she was crazy. The M is actually a pretty big hike. But in the morning we all decided to go with her. It ended up being really enjoyable. Kevin carried Sadie in the carrier and Jason and Camille hiked the whole way up with just a little hand holding and help. They did great. On the way down Jason had a little harder time since it was kind of slippery, and he was tired (so was I, I can't blame him). It took us about two and a half hours to get up and down, but we did it and enjoyed it.


After hiking the M, we came home and ate more delicious food. We had homemade mac and cheese in the instant pot that Shantel made. We hung out and from the very tiring hike to the M several of the adults took a nap while the kids played outside. I don't know how kids can have so much energy. It is truly amazing.
That night Jacob and his girlfriend Whitney showed up and we carved some pumpkins and ate cheesy potato soup and rolls. This is Kevin's favorite soup. Pumpkin carving turned out good this year. I would say it was a more successful year. Jason painted his pumpkin blue, because blue is his favorite color. Camille painted hers to look like a cat, at least that is what she said she did, and then later when she saw everyone carving their pumpkin she wanted to carve hers too. It ended up with a star for a nose and some eyes. She is so creative and enjoyed doing that. Kevin's was a monster that he drilled the eyes out and turned them around and stuck raisins in the eyeball for the pupil. It actually turned out so good! I made mine to look like a mummy. I sliced it and then stacked it lopsided to that it looked like it was wrapped. It turned out okay, but it was quick and still fun.


By 6:30 my kids, specifically Sadie, was ready for bed. So we rushed to pack
up our stuff and headed home. It was such a nice weekend spent with my family. Happy Halloween.
The next day, on Saturday, we got up and started our day of food. Whenever we are together, I feel like we always eat a lot of really delicious food. Because all the good food makes too much to make at home where it is just Kevin and I, but when everyone is together and we can share we make a lot of good food. So we started with biscuits and gravy, then an hour or two later we made crepes. The crepes were to give us energy to go hike the M. The night before, Shantel said that she was planning on taking her kids to hike the M. I thought she was crazy. The M is actually a pretty big hike. But in the morning we all decided to go with her. It ended up being really enjoyable. Kevin carried Sadie in the carrier and Jason and Camille hiked the whole way up with just a little hand holding and help. They did great. On the way down Jason had a little harder time since it was kind of slippery, and he was tired (so was I, I can't blame him). It took us about two and a half hours to get up and down, but we did it and enjoyed it.
After hiking the M, we came home and ate more delicious food. We had homemade mac and cheese in the instant pot that Shantel made. We hung out and from the very tiring hike to the M several of the adults took a nap while the kids played outside. I don't know how kids can have so much energy. It is truly amazing.
That night Jacob and his girlfriend Whitney showed up and we carved some pumpkins and ate cheesy potato soup and rolls. This is Kevin's favorite soup. Pumpkin carving turned out good this year. I would say it was a more successful year. Jason painted his pumpkin blue, because blue is his favorite color. Camille painted hers to look like a cat, at least that is what she said she did, and then later when she saw everyone carving their pumpkin she wanted to carve hers too. It ended up with a star for a nose and some eyes. She is so creative and enjoyed doing that. Kevin's was a monster that he drilled the eyes out and turned them around and stuck raisins in the eyeball for the pupil. It actually turned out so good! I made mine to look like a mummy. I sliced it and then stacked it lopsided to that it looked like it was wrapped. It turned out okay, but it was quick and still fun.
By 6:30 my kids, specifically Sadie, was ready for bed. So we rushed to pack
up our stuff and headed home. It was such a nice weekend spent with my family. Happy Halloween.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Grandpa Great's Ranch
It has been the longest time since I have been able to go to my Grandpa's house and just play. Without having hay to put up or cows to brand. Unfortunately that is about the only time we make it up there. I really need to get up there and see him more often. Anyway, my Dad, Shantel, and Melissa and I planned a day to go up and just play with our families. It was wonderful.
We woke and quickly ate breakfast and got ready to go to the ranch. We stopped off in Morgan to pick up my Dad and finished our trip up to Lyman, Wyoming. We were the first to arrive. My Grandpa had a raccoon get through his back door a little while ago, and so he had ordered a door in from Ogden and was going to put it on. My dad helped him do that while the kids were playing on the tire swing and in the tree and on the old tractor. While Jason was on the tractor, he said, "being a farmer is fun." He truly loves all things farms and ranch. On the way up he said his favorite animal is a cow, and I actually think that could be true.

The door ended up being an inch short (even though the people making the door were the ones who measured it) and so they ended up cutting a small piece of wood to screw onto the bottom to make it a little longer. Eventually they got the door on, and about that time everyone else showed up. Shantel brought food for lunch and as the kids were playing we made lunch before we got going on too many other fun things.
After lunch we went down to the barn where my grandpa had brought in some horses for the kids to ride. It was such a fun experience. My dad and grandpa showed the kids how to comb the horse and how to put on a saddle. They even got to feed the horse a little pellet out of their hands and they thought it was so great. One time while Camille was walking over with Melissa to ride a horse, she saw the horse pooping and mesmerized with disgust. Melissa said, "it is okay, everyone poops. It is natural." And Camille replied, "Yeah, but it is still really yucky." When I heard her say that it just made me chuckle.



After riding horses my dad built a little hay fort for the kids to play in. They thought it was so great. They were climbing to the top of the hay stack and climbing back down and playing in the fort that eventually turned into a tunnel. It was a blast. I was surprised that Jason climbed up to the very top of the hay stack all by himself without any coercion. He usually tends to be on the safer side...he must be growing up. I am going to have to watch him a little closer now. The first time Camille was climbing back down the hay stack she actually fell off from almost the top. She landed straight on her head. She was pretty shocked, but my ever optimistic Camille just hopped up and said, "It is a good thing this soft straw was here to land on." I was worried she wouldn't climb back up the hay stack but she still went up and played the rest of the time. By the end of playing on the haystack I don't know if I had ever seen so much hay stuck inside of clothes and down diapers. It was a sign of a good time at the hay stack.

We went back down to the house and my dad and grandpa gave the kiddos a ride in the tractors. Jason and Camille both love tractors. So they got to drive the tractors all around the back field. Then when they came back in my dad gave them a ride in the tractor bucket.

It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. I felt like it was just my childhood wrapped up one day. I was glad I could share that with my kids and let them be on the ranch. I hope to get up more often and spend time with my wonderful grandpa out on the ranch.
We woke and quickly ate breakfast and got ready to go to the ranch. We stopped off in Morgan to pick up my Dad and finished our trip up to Lyman, Wyoming. We were the first to arrive. My Grandpa had a raccoon get through his back door a little while ago, and so he had ordered a door in from Ogden and was going to put it on. My dad helped him do that while the kids were playing on the tire swing and in the tree and on the old tractor. While Jason was on the tractor, he said, "being a farmer is fun." He truly loves all things farms and ranch. On the way up he said his favorite animal is a cow, and I actually think that could be true.
The door ended up being an inch short (even though the people making the door were the ones who measured it) and so they ended up cutting a small piece of wood to screw onto the bottom to make it a little longer. Eventually they got the door on, and about that time everyone else showed up. Shantel brought food for lunch and as the kids were playing we made lunch before we got going on too many other fun things.
After lunch we went down to the barn where my grandpa had brought in some horses for the kids to ride. It was such a fun experience. My dad and grandpa showed the kids how to comb the horse and how to put on a saddle. They even got to feed the horse a little pellet out of their hands and they thought it was so great. One time while Camille was walking over with Melissa to ride a horse, she saw the horse pooping and mesmerized with disgust. Melissa said, "it is okay, everyone poops. It is natural." And Camille replied, "Yeah, but it is still really yucky." When I heard her say that it just made me chuckle.
After riding horses my dad built a little hay fort for the kids to play in. They thought it was so great. They were climbing to the top of the hay stack and climbing back down and playing in the fort that eventually turned into a tunnel. It was a blast. I was surprised that Jason climbed up to the very top of the hay stack all by himself without any coercion. He usually tends to be on the safer side...he must be growing up. I am going to have to watch him a little closer now. The first time Camille was climbing back down the hay stack she actually fell off from almost the top. She landed straight on her head. She was pretty shocked, but my ever optimistic Camille just hopped up and said, "It is a good thing this soft straw was here to land on." I was worried she wouldn't climb back up the hay stack but she still went up and played the rest of the time. By the end of playing on the haystack I don't know if I had ever seen so much hay stuck inside of clothes and down diapers. It was a sign of a good time at the hay stack.
We went back down to the house and my dad and grandpa gave the kiddos a ride in the tractors. Jason and Camille both love tractors. So they got to drive the tractors all around the back field. Then when they came back in my dad gave them a ride in the tractor bucket.
It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. I felt like it was just my childhood wrapped up one day. I was glad I could share that with my kids and let them be on the ranch. I hope to get up more often and spend time with my wonderful grandpa out on the ranch.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
General Conference
This weekend of General Conference was SO good! I love to hear what the Lord wants us to know. This year I tried to be a little more prepared so that I could enjoy Conference more. I wrapped up some treats and little activities for the kids to open. I put the prophet and apostles faces on the bags. Then when that person was speaking the kids could open a bag. It was a great thing to do. The kids loved being able to open some surprises, and I feel like they learned a little bit since they were listening to when they would announce that someone from the quorum of the 12 apostles were talking. It also gave them something to do so that I could listen and learn the things that I needed to learn.
Friday night I had made some cinnamon rolls and put them in the fridge so I could bake them Saturday morning before conference. They turned out so good. I keep making cinnamon rolls for the kids, and they keep not eating them. I feel like it is sugar on sugar on sugar and that they should love them for special occasions, but every time I make them, the kids never eat them. This time was no different. But Kevin and I enjoyed them, and I brought some over to our friends the Kollers who enjoyed them as well.
The Saturday Morning session was great. It was amazing to be a part of this historic time and the changes that are happening. President Nelson announced that we will be changing to a 2 hour schedule instead of the current 3 hour block. He said the church is going to be Home focused with a church supporting role. I love this. When I heard the announcement I was so nervous because now I have so much responsibility to teach my children the gospel. It is meant to be learned here, but now I really need to step it up. A couple talks later, the topic of fear was addressed and I just felt at peace. I know that if I follow the prophet and do the best I can, that my children will be blessed and the Lord will make up the difference.
Another historic thing that happened this conference was that the Women's conference and the Priesthood Session are going to start switching conference weekends. So this October, instead of having a Priesthood session, there was a Women's Session. It was so good. I learned so much, but President Nelson challenged the women of the church to read the whole Book of Mormon from now to the end of the year. I am excited for this challenge, but also it is going to take some planning and work to read it. I need the blessings he promised would come from reading though, so I am doing it.
Another thing that President Nelson announced was that we are going to stop calling ourselves Mormons, or LDS , or any other nickname instead of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When he first said this I was wondering why it would matter so much. But he said that the Lord is disappointed in us for taking His name out of the title. In the scriptures Jesus tells us what the church's name is supposed to be, and we have gone and changed it. President Nelson said that was a win for Satan. We need to put Jesus Christ back at the center of our lives, and when people ask us what religion we are a part of to say, "I am a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!" It was a great talk.
He also announced 12 new temples that are going to be built. While he was announcing them I just wanted to cry. I felt the spirit testify so strongly to me the blessings these temples were going to be in continuing the work of the gospel and to those who live in those areas. I feel so blessed to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I should urge myself to go back and reread this October 2018 General Conference when I am looking back on this post, because it was so good. I am looking forward to implementing the changes and changing myself to be better until the next General Conference.
After Conference we went on a long walk by the river by our house. Camille is starting to get pretty good at riding her bike, and Jason is getting better at pedaling his bike. I just love my family.
Friday night I had made some cinnamon rolls and put them in the fridge so I could bake them Saturday morning before conference. They turned out so good. I keep making cinnamon rolls for the kids, and they keep not eating them. I feel like it is sugar on sugar on sugar and that they should love them for special occasions, but every time I make them, the kids never eat them. This time was no different. But Kevin and I enjoyed them, and I brought some over to our friends the Kollers who enjoyed them as well.
The Saturday Morning session was great. It was amazing to be a part of this historic time and the changes that are happening. President Nelson announced that we will be changing to a 2 hour schedule instead of the current 3 hour block. He said the church is going to be Home focused with a church supporting role. I love this. When I heard the announcement I was so nervous because now I have so much responsibility to teach my children the gospel. It is meant to be learned here, but now I really need to step it up. A couple talks later, the topic of fear was addressed and I just felt at peace. I know that if I follow the prophet and do the best I can, that my children will be blessed and the Lord will make up the difference.
Another historic thing that happened this conference was that the Women's conference and the Priesthood Session are going to start switching conference weekends. So this October, instead of having a Priesthood session, there was a Women's Session. It was so good. I learned so much, but President Nelson challenged the women of the church to read the whole Book of Mormon from now to the end of the year. I am excited for this challenge, but also it is going to take some planning and work to read it. I need the blessings he promised would come from reading though, so I am doing it.
Another thing that President Nelson announced was that we are going to stop calling ourselves Mormons, or LDS , or any other nickname instead of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When he first said this I was wondering why it would matter so much. But he said that the Lord is disappointed in us for taking His name out of the title. In the scriptures Jesus tells us what the church's name is supposed to be, and we have gone and changed it. President Nelson said that was a win for Satan. We need to put Jesus Christ back at the center of our lives, and when people ask us what religion we are a part of to say, "I am a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!" It was a great talk.
He also announced 12 new temples that are going to be built. While he was announcing them I just wanted to cry. I felt the spirit testify so strongly to me the blessings these temples were going to be in continuing the work of the gospel and to those who live in those areas. I feel so blessed to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I should urge myself to go back and reread this October 2018 General Conference when I am looking back on this post, because it was so good. I am looking forward to implementing the changes and changing myself to be better until the next General Conference.
After Conference we went on a long walk by the river by our house. Camille is starting to get pretty good at riding her bike, and Jason is getting better at pedaling his bike. I just love my family.
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