Thursday, April 4, 2019

Moving to Iowa

Well, it finally happened. We made the move to Iowa. We have been thinking and looking and working on moving out here for almost a year, and we finally took the plunge. I feel sad to move away from family and friends and everything I have ever known. I feel sad that we are going to be missing so many family events. But I feel peace in knowing that we are doing what we think is right for our family and what I think Heavenly Father wants us to do.

My parents are so great. That is just a known fact. But they were extra kind and they drove out to Iowa with the kids and I. The trip actually went really well, but it probably was mostly because of my parents. We woke up early on Thursday Morning (like 3 AM so we could be going at 3:30) and that made a huge difference in the trip, I think. We actually got on the road at 3:30 when we were hoping to be moving. I had forgotten to fill up my car the night before (rookie mistake) and so we ended up stopping in Evanston before we got to the barren wilderness. Luckily, I guess that is the word, none of the kids had fallen back to sleep, so I wasn’t worried about waking them up. We stopped and got gas and then got driving again. About 10 minutes later Jason said he needed to go to the bathroom. We stopped at the next gas station and I took Jason in. He didn’t actually need to go to the bathroom. I think his stomach was hurting him. He wasn’t sick, but maybe a little car sick. Once he got some food in his stomach he felt a lot better. Traveling on an empty stomach wasn’t for him I guess. We finally got settled in, and the kids fell back asleep for a little while. As the sun was coming up and we were driving across Wyoming, I hear Camille in the back seat say, “I feel so lucky to be able to see all of these beautiful colors today.” I felt the same way. The sunrise was beautiful, and I was lucky to share it with Camille.

Since my parents had come with us, I didn’t have to stop the car to hand out breakfast. The kids thought the go-gurts were the coolest thing ever. And we kept driving along. I think we would have taken more breaks and stops, but the weather was so cold and SO windy. Every time we stopped we just ran to the bathrooms in blankets since it was cold, and ran back to the car when we were done. Then started driving again.
Grandma Haderlie and Aunt Diane had made little travel goody bags for Camille and Jason and Sadie. It was so thoughtful and kind and the kids really enjoyed them. Camille ended up using all of her pipe cleaners to create a “toy shop” above her head. She hooked the pipe cleaners onto the over the head handle, then she hooked all her toys to the pipe cleaners, then when she wanted a specific toy she just had to grab it and pull it over. It was very creative and took a long time to make, which was the perfect combination for this trip.  

The first day we made it to Grand Island. We stopped around 4:30. Made some dinner in the hotel, and then we went and played mini golf at this hotel. It was so nice to not have to get in the swimming pool. I really enjoy swimming, but with three kids that don’t know how to swim, I was going to be very nervous. So instead of swimming we played golf then went back to the hotel room. It was the perfect night and end to the first day of the trip.

The next day we got up and didn’t rush out of the hotel. We went and got breakfast and packed up our things and got ready for the car ride. We only had about 5 hours to go this day. We drove over to Omaha and visited with our good family friends the Olivers. Their house was beautiful and so peaceful. I was sad to not see Jeff, but it was good to see Denise. We couldn’t stay long because we still had a long drive. We headed back on our way. The rest of the trip was kind of uneventful. Although I do have to say that Utah and Idaho area greatly lacking in the quality of their rest stops. It is so nice to go to a rest stop that isn’t totally disgusting.

We did end up stopping in Newton, and I actually enjoyed it there. I think we could have enjoyed living there as well. But we just kept trucking along and eventually made it to our new home in Hills, Iowa. Kevin was here to help us out of the truck and that night for dinner we had Panda Express. I feel grateful for Kevin and all that he does for our family.

It is weird sitting here in Hills, Iowa. I am not familiar with the town or people yet, and the town doesn’t quite feel like home yet. But being with Kevin is my home. When he gets home from work, I feel complete. Wherever we live, my home will always just be where Kevin is. I feel comfort in knowing that. Sometimes life doesn’t go exactly how I planned, but through the ups and downs my home will always stay the same.

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