Well to start out lets go back a couple months and write down some facts. I was not nearly as sick with Sadie as I was with Camille, but was more sick than I was with Jason. Also, during the last leg of this pregnancy, I started eating dates. I had read somewhere that if you eat dates your labor time goes down. So dates I ate. And with the previous pregnancies, I was huge during the winter months so I never thought I got extra hot when I was pregnant. But I sure was wrong. With Sadie I found out that I do get hotter than normal because I am pregnant. Sleeping at night was terrible for Kevin. He wanted two extra blankets and I wanted to have no blankets on because I was dying of heat. Usually it is the other way around where Kevin wants fewer covers and I want more. The biggest craving I had with Sadie was soda pop. I just wanted carbonation of any kind. Except for cola drinks, I don't think those taste very good, but bring on the root beer and fanta orange! Those are a couple of the facts that you need to know.
We had been waiting anxiously for Sadie to come for weeks! Jason came a week early and Camille came a day early, so I thought maybe Sadie would come a week early about as well. So we waited and waited and June 9th came and went. So we scheduled an induction. Note how hot and miserable I was in the paragraph above. The earliest my doctor could schedule one was the night of the 11th. I took it! We took the kids to Shantel's house (who we are so grateful for) on the 10th. On the 11th Kevin had to go to work for a while, and I cleaned the house. It is always nice to come home from the hospital to a clean house. Then Kevin came home in the afternoon and we went and got some Panda Express for my "last meal". Then we drove up to the mall in Ogden hoping to get some contractions going so we went walking. I was hoping to be able to go into labor spontaneously, but it wasn't to be. So we headed over to the hospital. I was kind of nervous to be induced into labor, but the nurses were so comforting. We got set up by 9 PM and the contractions started. I went without an epidural until 1 AM and then enough was enough. The epidural went in and I got a little sleep (and so did Kevin). A couple hours later Sadie started getting a little stressed out, so I had to sit up instead of lay down for a while. That was a little uncomfortable because I wanted to sleep and it is difficult to sleep when sitting up. And when you have an epidural and you can't actually move your legs, sitting is a little hard. About an hour later I was able to lay back down and get some more rest. Then around 6 AM I was almost ready to have Sadie here. I told the nurse when I got to the hospital that I hoped to have her here in the 6 AM hour because I was born on June 12th in the 6 AM hour. And she was ready around 6 AM. Dr. Lammi came in and just a couple pushes later at 6:11 AM the sweetest little girl came out. I felt so at peace. I just held my sweet Sadie and felt at peace. I knew she was supposed to be a part of our family. From before she was even born I knew she was waiting to join our family and she was finally here. She was 19.5 inches and 8 pounds even. She was healthy and strong. I just want to note that this was the fastest labor of the three taking only 9 hours where Camille and Jason's took at least 12 but more like 15-20. So maybe the date eating helped speed things along?
We went to recovery and I recovered very well. This was the easiest recovery (once I could use my legs again anyway). Sadie slept a lot, and I slept a lot (because having a baby takes a lot of hard work). We watched some movies and spent time together with our new little addition. The hospital made us watch this channel with a repeating show and it was terrible. I have to write that in here so I don't forget. Kevin is always a trooper when it comes to the hospital. The food isn't very good, and the beds are terrible, but I feel so grateful to have him there taking care of me. He takes such good care of me.
Overall everything went well, and we are so happy to welcome our sweet little bundle into this world. Sadie we love you and can't wait to see what you have to offer this world. I can already tell it is something great.
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