Sunday, April 7, 2019


The day after we arrived was General Conference. So we unpacked on Saturday and listened to General Conference. My dad helped me line the cupboards with contact paper, and my mom helped watch the kids. We got a lot done. We hung up a lot of decorations and got things going. On Sunday we decided to take the day and drive over to Nauvoo as we listened to General Conference. We drove over during the morning session and then came home during the afternoon session. We now live an hour and a half away from the Nauvoo Temple. As President Nelson came on to speak we had just pulled up to the Temple. It was kind of neat hearing the words of our living prophet as we were parked at the base of one of the earliest Temples. The kids were done being in the car, so we let them out to play on the lawn as we listened. After conference was over we got out to go walk around the Temple when the kids needed to go to the bathroom. We walked over to some buildings hoping there was a visitors center close by, but there wasn’t so we drove back into town to the gas station and went the bathroom. Then we went back to the park close to the temple and had a picnic there. After lunch we walked over to the Temple and walked around. It is truly beautiful, and I could feel the heritage it has to offer. After walking around, we drove down to the visitors’ center and it was actually open. We looked around and then did a quick driving tour of Old Nauvoo. I can’t wait to go back there soon and enjoy walking around and learning from all that is offered there.

We drove back, across the Mississippi River, and through all the country side back to our home. It was such a nice day, and I feel grateful to have been able to see it with my parents and with the kiddos.
It was our first adventure here in Iowa, but I am sure it will not be our last.

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